Wednesday morning I got into the car to head to work. As I jumped into the car, my nose could smell this
light stinky smell. The smell wasn't too strong, but still the same is was slightly stinky. I went about my day and didn't pay too much attention to it. At lunch, I decided to vacuum out the car.
I got in the car Thursday morning and I could smell the scent again. This time the foul smell was even
worse. It smelt like dog poop or something along those lines. I was in a hurry to get to work so I avoided the smell as much as possible. I rolled down the windows in hopes to air out the car. When I got into the car at the end of my work day, the smell was still there.... and seemed to be getting even worse. I sprayed
Febreze on the floors, used Lysol cleaning rags on the leather seats and hoped I had cleaned up the disgusting smell.
Friday morning came along.... and just as you may have guessed, the smell was even stronger. I ran back into the house and brought out some baking soda carpet cleaner. I sprinkled the baking soda all over the carpets in hope that would clear out the smell. I was sure that would do the trick. Lunch came around. A bunch of work associates wanted to go to lunch. Lucky me... I got to drive. I was almost certain the baking soda would have settled into the carpet by that time, so I agreed. Man was I
embarrassed when I opened the car door and got a hint of the smell. With the powder on the floor, rather then clean air, my car smelt like a dirty diaper. No one said a word about the smell as I drove them to and from lunch. No one talked much either.... I think they were all holding their breath. I was sure we were going to have to get the carpets detailed. There was just no getting the horrible smell out of the car. I kept scratching my head because I just couldn't figure out what was smelling so horrible. The inside of the car was sparkling at this point.
Saturday morning I decided to go to the car cleaning place one more time. I put my quarters in the vacuum and began vacuuming away at my nearly spotless car. As I was vacuuming I decided to look in the very far back of the Trailblazer. The smell seemed to be coming from the very back. I hadn't even touched that area of the car because I was sure the smell was from the boys... tracking in dog poop or something. As I glanced in the back I saw some groceries. The second I saw the bag all the memories of shopping came back to me.
That previous
Tuesday night I had quickly run to the store and purchase
chicken, hamburger, and steak cubes. I had gotten busy with picking up kids from football and getting the boys to bed, I had forgotten to bring in the groceries. There they had sat for
5 days! GROSS!!!!
I immediately threw out the meat, opened the windows in the car, and let the smell air itself out. Thank goodness the meat was all tightly bagged in the plastic bags. Nothing had spilled out.
The car is smelling much better today. Not a hint of bad poultry! And... the car is the cleanest it has been probably since I purchased it!!!!
On a happy side note:
Niel's parents got their
mission call!!
John and Joyce are super excited to be serving an 18 month mission. They will be heading out February 9th. I am really going to miss them!! To find out where they are going, and to wish them well, please check out their