As I was sitting there, President Monson walked out of the temple. I looked at him for a while, watching him, trying to figure out if it was really him. Then he spoke, and I knew it was him. He was walking around to all the people, shacking hands and asking for names. He had a comment every now and again and even a few stories. It was very intriguing to watch. I love this man! He has been around since I was a child, and I have loved hearing his messages since I can remember. I was hoping for a chance to get to shake his hands, but wasn't sure if he would have time to get around to everyone. I got on my feet and made my way over to where he was. I figured it was a once in a lifetime chance to really meet a man like him. After all, I am 31 years old and haven't run into that kind of opportunity yet. As he came around to me, I was getting a little excited! I could feel the spirit about him and even got a little teary eyed. He stopped right in front of me. I extended my hand out to give him a shake. I have been known to have a firm hand shake, and I think being a little nervous, I tend to be even a little more firm. He shook my hand and I introduced myself. "Well Sister Oscarson, that is one strong hand shake you have there. That is good. It is a sign of confidence. I also see you have a dimple. This is good too. I used to have one in my day. Did you know, I hear it is a sign of intelligence." I just smiled and said, "I will have to remember that." He smiled at me and moved on down the line. Continuing to meet everyone there. All were anxious to shake his hand. It was an incredible experience. One I will not forget. I was glad I got there early!
See! It pays to be early.. We were late.... Man! I will not be late again.
I've run into Henry B Eyring 3 times! Its awesome. They definitely have the spirit surrounding them. Its an experience I'll never forget either.
He didn't say anything about my dimple...When the stake choir sang for the dedication of the Mt Timpanogos Temple he did a quick hand shake with me as well. He did say the music was wonderful though.
They sure have a lot of personality up close. It is wonderful to feel their spirit. 3 G.A. sightings lately. Elder Nelson was in our temple session the night before Savannah was born. He came back to the temple sometime after that as an escort to his Uncle (an elderly man) who was getting his endowments and I got to escort them to the dressing room. President Monson was in the sealing office in the Temple last week to perform a sealing for a couple, they were not in my assigned room however. It is a testimony to me each time I see one of them and feel their spirit. While I know they are "oridnary" men, they are also extra-ordinary!
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