We love going to the cabin. It is even more fun when cousins are there!!

There was this really steep hill the kids enjoyed tubing down! There was a big bump at the bottom! Garrett and Scott are just about to fall out!
Stockton loved the big steep hill too! Whoo!!

Grandpa was so nice. He would stand at the top of the hill and push everyone down. Then he would drive down to the bottom and pick everyone up on the 4 wheeler!

Oscarson Mountain is the greatest hill to sleigh down. Here is Conner going VERY fast!

Matthew is only 5 years old. He is the youngest little guy to go down the hill by himself. Stockton helped him down a few times, riding together, but Matt went down a few more times all by himself!

It snowed and snowed and then snowed some more. The best part about sleighing is, it just can't snow enough. But that is only if it isn't too cold outside. It was a perfect day!

Garrett has the longest tongue I have ever seen. This picture doesn't even do it justice.... it is long! He is catching some snowflakes from the sky.... delicious!!

We had a great time! I love spending time with the kids making those lasting memories!

Sledding and childhood memories go hand in hand for snow clad climates.
Looks like you guys had a great time. Last time we went up to the cabin I think we only got a couple hours of sledding . It was SO COLD!
It is wonderful to see you doing things with your kids. It will make them close forever! They will always remember the fun times they had with family. Who needs friends when your best and funnest friends are your own brothers and sister?
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