The 14th marks a very special occasion.... it is Flag Day! Well, that is what my mom likes to celebrate. The 14th also marks the day of my mom's birth.
Mom has never really liked all the attention on her birthday, but it is hard to not celebrate the life of such an amazing woman!!
Mom has never really liked all the attention on her birthday, but it is hard to not celebrate the life of such an amazing woman!!
(don't tell her I posted this picture.... she would kill me)
My mom has turned into the most incredible Grandma! I think it wasn't until I was a mother myself that I truly understood all the things my mom did for me. I still have that same support I did as a child, but now I have that support from my mom as a Grandma. How lucky am I?
Happy Birthday Mom! ... 'er I mean Happy Flag Day!
Happy Birthday Mom! ... 'er I mean Happy Flag Day!
We do love you Grandma. Thanks for all you do for our family and all the fun times we have together.
I sure am lucky to have such a wonderful mom! Love you mom and miss you...especially on your birthday!
What??? She was born on Flag Day? I was wondering what all those flags were out for...
Happy Birthday MOM! She has made the comment to me that this year she really enjoyed her birthday! She didn't mind all of the attention. (She didn't voice that one, but I could tell). She is such a funny and fun lady! Love you mom!! Happy 43rd Birthday!
Yep! Your mom pretty much ROCKS! I like her so much, I chose to have my second child on her birthday! Happy belated B-Day Dot Dean!
I thought of you on the 14th, Dot. I am so glad your family honored you on your birthday. Thanks for taking care of Rick all these years, I know he is a handful! Happy late birthday!
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