Spring hasn't been at the river for that long, we saw a lot of baby ducks...and one fawn that could barely walk trying to cross the road. We think he made it, at least that is what I keep telling Amy. But he would fall every 3 or 4 steps, and his mom stood at the side of the road looking very anxious.

When I talk about a what a great sport Amy is...this is what I mean. Anyone who has ever rowed a drift, especially down a rocky river like the Green, knows it is not an easy task. Amy has been determined to learn how to handle the boat so she could let me fish. She is really getting it. This year she rowed about 60% of the way down and gave me plenty of opportunity to throw my fly around, which I willingly did. She is incredible and she made the whole weekend so much fun for me. Plus, she rowed me right into this fish: (and several others)

The Green River is a beautiful place. I loved every minute of our weekend. Thanks Amy, you are an incredible wife and friend. You went out of your way to show me the time of my life. I love you.
Pat is going to have fun when he goes with you in July/August. I love the pictures. It makes me really miss Utah's beautiful canyons.
Some of my most favorite memories have been with you on the river! Thank you for teaching me how to fish, row, and to enjoy the beauties of this world.
But mostly, thank you for being such an incredible father! I watch you with the boys and feel completely blessed to have you in my life.... and in their life. You are a good dad to them. And, you are an amazing father to Megan.
I love you! Happy Father's Day!
Neil, this is just to thank you for realizing the gem that Amy is. She just glows when she is around you and I am grateful to you for bringing out the happiness inside of her. May you both ALWAYS treasure each other!
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