Our lives are always so very busy!!! I thought I would give you a play by play of one of our days!
6:45 - Time to get up! Got to get going for the day!
7:30 - Niel heads out with Garrett to get him to his football practice before the game.
8:15 - Me, Conner, Stockton, Megan, Zander and Jerin all jump in the car to head over to Grandma Dean's house. Grandma Dean is going to get Stockton to practice for us because we are all ready busy with Garrett and Conner's games.
9:00 - Arrive at Garrett's football game! Yeah... another blowout. 24/0!

10:30 - Niel heads off with Conner to get him to his practice.
10:45 - Megan and I head off to her house in Provo. She has a Primary Program practice to attend!
11:45 - Arrive at Grandma Deans house to stop for a quick lunch!
12:00 - Conner's football games starts. Niel and Jerin are at Conner's games for support. They even got to play on the BIG new field!! Conner's team has a blow-out 27/0!

12:10 - Stockton's game gets a late start. Me, Zander, Garrett, Grandma and Brynlee are all there to cheer Stockton on. They barely win.... 14/13! Talk about a close call.

1:45 - Head home FAST! We need to get ready for Stockton's birthday party! Grandma Dean takes Zander and Garrett with her to help us out. Grandma Dean takes them to Kanagroo Zoo!! Thanks Mom!
2:30 - Birthday party time!!! All the guest arrive.

2:45 - We load up the kids and head to Boondocks!
3:05 - Arrive at Boondocks and attempt to play! The rain gets in a way a lot. The race track keeps shutting down. So we golf. Then we wait in line again only to have the track shut down a few more times.

5:00 - I leave Niel with all the kids (brave man), and I head to get pizza and drinks.
5:30 - Get back to Boondocks. Eat pizza! Play Games!!
6:00 - Gather all the kids together and head back home.
6:30 - Drop off each kid at their homes.
7:00 - Head over to Grandma's house to pick up Zander and Garrett.... they want to stay abd live with Grandma & Grandpa forever!!!
8:00 - Get back home. Have the kids get ready for bed.
8:30 - Put Zander and Garrett to bed. Make sure Conner, Jerin, and Stockton are settled with a movie.
9:00 - Finally.... some quiet time. Niel and I are exhausted!!! As we veg on the couch, watching some TV, we are just happy we made it through the day with little conflict! Plus, it was a great day!!! We are tired, but we are happy!
What a great life!!!!!