Warning... this post contains curled bangs, ruffled shirts, and young faces!

These fine girls were my B.F.F.'s!
Jen, Becki, Shatie and myself!

And here we are now.... about 14 years later!
Becki was in town from Arizona a few weeks back, so we got together for a quick reunion. Jen wasn't able to make this one.... so I posted a picture from just a few months before. I wasn't able to make that friend reunion. But there is a picture of grown-up Jen too.

High School makes for some really great memories! I had really great friends!! They were a good influence in my life. I miss those days sometimes! We don't get together nearly enough.
So... now I dare you! Let me see what you looked like 14 years ago!
So... now I dare you! Let me see what you looked like 14 years ago!
I remember those days too! At the time, you all were in style, but now...I am laughing!
Like I have any room to talk. I was never really in style...still not too!
I love it! I remember you guys getting those pictures. WOW! I loved hanging out with you guys. It's crazy how fast time flies!! I have always loved your style. You have always been in style, not matter what the style has been.
That's awesome! Aren't life long friends great!
WOW! I don't know if I should laugh or cry at those pictures. We did love those ruffled shirts! I had completely forgotten we took that picture until I just saw it & the memories came rushing back. I'm just happy we ALL have bangs (since we know I continued to keep mine a bit longer than I should have....LOL)! Those were great times though!
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