12. We got our Christmas cards out early this year!!! Niel's Mad Lib was very creative!
2008 was a very (Adjective)______ year for the Oscarson Family. It started with the addition of our newest family member, our pet (Animal)______ Rock Star. The week of Valentines Day found Niel and Amy on an exotic journey to St. Lucia. While there they tried sailing, zip lining, and some amazing (Verb Ending in "ing")_______. Amy fought her fears and (Adverb)_____ tried scuba diving, but it ended up causing great pain in her (Body Part)_______. During the winter one of our favorite activities is (Verb ending in "ing")_______ karaoke at Grandma and Grandpa Dean's house. The (Adjective)______ tones of our singing can brighten anybody's (Noun)______. Megan showed off her singing and dancing skills in the play Joseph and the (Adjective)______ Technicolor dream (Noun)________. As the weather warmed up, we moved our activities outside. We watched Conner (Verb)_______ his first 5K in (Number)____ minutes. A (Sport)______ court was put in our backyard, Niel shot his first (Animal)_______, and Amy redecorated the bedroom with (Adjective)_______ colors. Megan got to travel to Vegas to see the (Type of person or occupation)________ of the Opera. Garrett placed 2nd for his age at the family (Adjective)________ run. His little (Body Part Plural)______ were moving so fast they were only a blur. Our summer flew by. It started with a long road (Verb)______ to Montana to pick up the boys. We then took off to wonderful Kauai with Grandma and Grandpa J. Our favorite activities there were riding boogie (Plural Noun)______, a beautiful (Vehicle)_______ flight over the entire island, and lighting (Plural Noun)_______ on the beach to celebrate independence day. Zander felt so (Adjective)________ as he started pre-school. His reading skills are improving all the time, and he loves to read his own good night (Noun)________. Fall also brought Stockton's baptism. It was a wonderful event with many of his favorite (Plural Noun)________ around to support him. Conner, Stockton, and Garrett all played tackle football and were all-stars in our (Adjective)_______ opinion. As the year concludes we are grateful to our family and friends who we care so much about us. Thanks for making 2008 the best (Noun)_______ ever!11. Stuffed French Toast!! Uncle Patrick cooks up some delicious Breakfasts!!

10. Rocky (our dog) got into the Christmas treats and ate over a pound of fudge!!! The fudge didn't sit well with him.... he got sick and threw up many times. GROSS!!!
9. Elf
Brynlee and Elf
Arianna decorated cookies for Santa!
8. Mindy and Eric joined us for a night on the town. We went to The Cheesecake Factory (Yum) and then dancing up in Salt Lake! We had a great time together!!!
7. All my sisters were together on Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad's house! It almost felt like we were kids again!!
6. Every time I would go to take a picture of
Alayna she would smile!! She must be a natural model. Isn't she adorable?!
5. Niel shot an
Elk Christmas Eve Day. As one of our Christmas presents, John cut of the meat for Niel and Joyce cooked up a roast for us to eat together for Christmas dinner. (I can't believe I didn't take a picture!)
4. Niel and I headed up to
Sundance with my family. We attempted snowboarding!! Niel got in some great runs. I got up once and the second time up my bindings broke. I spent the rest of the day watching everyone have fun!

3. It snowed and snowed and snowed! It was definitely a White Christmas this year!!
2. Santa brought both Niel and I Rockband for Christmas. I guess he figured we each liked it so much, and he knows how we don't like to share, so he gave us each our own game...haha!

1. And the number one best thing about Christmas is.......
We are still not done!!
The boys will be home January 4th! I can't wait to see them and celebrate the holiday some more!!
Very cute! It's looks like you guys had and are having a ton of fun this holiday season!!
oh how fun! I'm glad we got to see some fun stuff you did this holiday!
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