It's the beginning of another month... time for a new goal. To recap my goal from last month... well.... I have good news to report. I DID IT! I went an entire month without my precious Dr Pepper. And guess what? I really haven't missed it all that much. I actually decided to eat a lot better this best month. Not only did I not drink sugary drinks, but I did a pretty good job of not eating sugar either. Some of the plus sides... I have been sleeping better at nights. I have felt more energy through out the day, and I shed a few pounds. SWEET! The downside.... well, let's just say going with no sugar, for someone who is addicted to sugar, has been difficult. I have craved sugar like crazy. I even had a few dreams of ice cream, and french fries. And, I have been in a slight irritable mood. But alas, hopefully my sugar intake will be more controlable...haha!
I am really looking forward to my goal this month. Since I work full time out of the home, a lot of my time at home is spent trying to get EVERYTHING in. Often times, I feel I fall short as a mother. Five kids, a husband, work, keeping up a house, and trying to maintain my sanity can be difficult at times. I believe my beautiful kiddos see my impatient side more often then my nurturing side. For March I am going to make BIG efforts to be patient. I am going to be more attentive to their needs and listen. I am going to be a GREAT mom.... not just a good one. Each night I will spend some extra time with one child per night. For instance, tonight Conner and I stayed up past his bedtime and watch American Idol together. Usually, I would make him go to bed and have some time to myself, but tonight we watched, cheered, judged, and even voted together! It was a very fun night!!! I love my children so much and I often take for granted how incredibly blessed I am to have each one of them in my life. I am going to diligently work hard to be a better Mom and spend more quality one-on-one time with each of them.
I am really looking forward to my goal this month. Since I work full time out of the home, a lot of my time at home is spent trying to get EVERYTHING in. Often times, I feel I fall short as a mother. Five kids, a husband, work, keeping up a house, and trying to maintain my sanity can be difficult at times. I believe my beautiful kiddos see my impatient side more often then my nurturing side. For March I am going to make BIG efforts to be patient. I am going to be more attentive to their needs and listen. I am going to be a GREAT mom.... not just a good one. Each night I will spend some extra time with one child per night. For instance, tonight Conner and I stayed up past his bedtime and watch American Idol together. Usually, I would make him go to bed and have some time to myself, but tonight we watched, cheered, judged, and even voted together! It was a very fun night!!! I love my children so much and I often take for granted how incredibly blessed I am to have each one of them in my life. I am going to diligently work hard to be a better Mom and spend more quality one-on-one time with each of them.

Happy Anniversary!!!
What an awesome goal!! Juggling everything is harder than it looks! Good luck!
wow! awesome job with the sugar and pop! and you are a great mom! I seriously think moms are amazing and i'm always in awe with how they do it. now all you moms just need to realize how CRAZY amazing you are!
great goal! I've been thinking along the same lines, only I don't have nearly as good as an excuse as you for not being patient!
I am with you on growing my patients. Savannah has been Binky free for about a week now and it has extremely shortened mine a little! I'm also with Rachel that you're crazy amazing!
Amen Sista! So you dont go into the office anymore? why? You still work at Landesk, right?
Good luck on your goal, I'm sure you will do it since your amazing like that!!
Yes... I still work at LANDesk... and yes I still go into the office. Maybe I didn't explain myself very well. I am going to spend more time with my kids in the evenings, after work.
I wish I didn't have to come into work... that would be NICE!
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