Happy 12th birthday Conner!

Kallie gave Conner an awesome present! She let him take Caleb to Raging Waters for a day! They had a blast together!!
(Thanks Kallie)

This was Conner's birthday cake. Conner had football try-out and weigh ins the week of his birthday, so upon Conner's request we didn't get him cake this year. Instead, we got him this beautiful, healthy fruit bowl. He said it was delicious!

Conner is growing up so big and tall. He is such a handsome young man. We had a great time together taking pictures.

The title of the above pictures is "I am a tough running back.... oh yes I am!" It is his football face.

I say this every year.... but man, I can't believe he is another year older. Conner can make me laugh when no one else can. He is such a gentleman all ready, and he is only 12. He is smart and nice. He is thoughtful and sure of himself. He is a delight to have in our family.
Happy Birthday Conner.... I love you!
Happy Birthday Conner!
Fun post about a fun young man and I love the pictures you took. PS he looks very handsome in his suit.
Happy Birthday, Conner! I love the pictures!
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