Crazy how quickly the years go by! It seems like yesterday Stocks was getting baptized, and just a month ago I was holding him in my arms as a baby!!

He is growing up to be one handsome young man!

I found this note his teacher from last year had written, and I think it describes Stockton to a "T"
- Oh Stockton, what a guy you are. I just know that you are going to be amazing! I have loved teaching you, mostly because I have learned more from you than you probably learned from me. Whether it was something you learned, or just about how fun and talented you are, being around you is always fun! I have appreciated you trying to be more responsible and helping me stay on top of things as well. Our class was always more fun when you were around (and I LOVED your cooking video for the Talent Show)! Keep being curious, smart, and work hard next year! Mrs. Robins -
I wish I had wrote that note.... because it is exactly how I feel about this splendid kid!
Happy Birthday Stockton!!! I love you!
- Oh Stockton, what a guy you are. I just know that you are going to be amazing! I have loved teaching you, mostly because I have learned more from you than you probably learned from me. Whether it was something you learned, or just about how fun and talented you are, being around you is always fun! I have appreciated you trying to be more responsible and helping me stay on top of things as well. Our class was always more fun when you were around (and I LOVED your cooking video for the Talent Show)! Keep being curious, smart, and work hard next year! Mrs. Robins -
I wish I had wrote that note.... because it is exactly how I feel about this splendid kid!
Happy Birthday Stockton!!! I love you!
Love those pictures! Happy Birthday Stockton!
There's only one Stockton, and we're glad he's ours!
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