Saturday was the last day of our super fun family vacation. We all said our good-byes to the lovely ship and headed out to our Florida excursion. Our flight didn't leave until 5:00. Since we got off the ship at 8:30 that left an entire day of possibilities. To pass the time, we went to the Miami Aquarium!!

There were lots of fish to see!

They had dolphin shows. It even had the famous Flipper dolphin. It was a amazing to see this trained mammals.

Everyone enjoyed the show!

Zander is quit the character!!

This has got to be the funniest picture of the entire trip. Don.... trying to feed Zander his slushy. HA! Don was so nice to share with Zander on such a hot day. Doesn't it just make you want to open your mouth?

I was so close to this seal I could have reached my hand out and pet it. It is incredible what they can teach. I thought maybe I should send my kids to mammal training camp for a couple of weeks. See if they will come home with new talents and listening skills...haha!

There is one word to describe the day.... EXTREMELY HOT! Ok, that is two words, but it was really THAT hot! The air was so humid it was even hard to breath. Each of us were somewhat grumpy because of the monsterous temperatures.

We stopped at this place for lunch and spent a fortune on the food. I just had to take a picture so we could remember the moment. But at least the place was air conditioned and sold cold drinks.

The Killer Whale show was my favorite. The animal was big and beautiful ........

... and very strong. Grandma, Garrett, and Zander all got soaked by the whale splashing. They got drenched.

That is it... the end of our vacation!
Hi! What a beautiful family you have with memories to be cherished forever. God bless you all;) Carol
It was soooo much fun all in all. Are we planning another one hmmmm?
WOW, that looks so much fun.....Looks like I need to plan 1 for my family! Thanks for sharing and what cruise did you take?
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