What age is considered mid 30's? And what exactly does that mean anyway? When I was 12, mid 30's sounded like a bad thing. It seemed old and I figured that was just going to take FOREVER to EVER BE THAT OLD!!!
Here I am..... forever old all 3 decades plus 4 additional short years!!!
I don't feel THAT old though. Just a youthful old age.

Brooke surprised me with my favorite cake. I absolutely LOVE strawberry shortcake. Not just any particular strawberry shortcake.... the kind that Brooke and my mom make. DELICIOUS!! I have to add that Brooke called me on the phone and left me the cutest message. She sang happy birthday to me all by herself. When she started the song.... I started to cry because it was so sweet. We must be sisters because in the middle of her beautiful melody she started to cry. It was the best message I have gotten in a long time. I am blessed to have such an incredible, thoughtful, creative, sister. Thanks Brooke!

Do you see me trying to stand tall? That is because from here on out I will be shrinking. I think 34 will be the last year I will be taller than my children.... at least one of my kids. Conner is about half an inch away.

Niel and I had a great weekend together. Martin Luther King weekend is always a great celebrating time for me. I appreciate all the Niel time I was able to squeeze in.

We went to Wallaby's for dinner. I am up for keeping tradition and since I was 30 years old we have gone to Wallaby's for my birthday dinner every year.

I love my family! Smiling faces and lots of joy! They keep me young at heart!

Another birthday tradition of mine is heading up to tear it up on the mountain. When I was younger is was skiing, but now that I have all boys.... snowboarding is the cool thing to do. Me, Niel, Conner and Stocks all headed up to enjoy a day on the slopes. Isn't it beautiful?

It was Stocktons first time on the mountain. He thought it would be so cool to not wear a coat. What the heck???? I could just kill this kid. I guess he likes to make his own style. I was SO impressed with his snowboarding abilities, especially for not getting any professional lessons. He is cheerful and willing to pick himself up and keep trying. I had to drag him off the mountain. He would have stayed forever if I would have let him. He is a natural born snowboarder.

Conner is also an incredible snowboarder. He strapped on his new snowboard and made full use of it. He would zoom on down the hill and wait for us at the bottom. Oh.... how it would be to be young again...haha!!

And Niel is a great sport to learn one of my most favorite sports! We had a fabulous time. I missed my mom and sisters.... but I suppose we can start our own traditions as a little family.
I will tell you that the next day I was overly stiff and sore. I guess that is what happens to 34 year olds. Tired, sore, and worn to the bone!!
Happy Birthday! Im sure you could write about your birthday tradition to Wallaby's and they'd send you coupons for free meals. :)
Happy Birthday Amy! Sounds like you had a good one. Love ya!
Happy birthday, Amy!
I have totally been meaning to tell you Happy Birthday and have not done it yet, so Happy Birthday! Looks like a day full of fun!
I love this post. I love that you and Brooke had such a special moment on your birthday too! I'm 25 today and These old bones of mine can tell it's going to be a good year for me :)
Oh man...I miss out on the funnest things! I hope you had a good birthday. Sounds like you did.
You are welcome! I LOVE that you cried too! I am the luckiest sister EVER to have 2 incredible sisters!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!
What a fun year you are having so far! I am inspired to me more like you! I was feeling too old to get up and go skiing so I stayed home and slept in. Ha-ha! Maybe for my birthday I will get some skiing energy!!
Thirty, Flirty and Thriving Right!?! (from the movie 13 going on 30).
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