Tonight, at Grandpa's house, doing what he does best - being an awesome grandpa and singing karaoke!

I figured I would let you know what a great dad I have by sharing some advice he gave to me once when I was a teenager at girls camp.
"Welcome to the wide open spaces. Look to the highest mountain you can find. Do you see it? This is your potential for the future size of your character. The higher the mountain the broader the base. You have a good base Amy. You are kind hearted and self disciplined. Build these more in all areas and I will be ever so proud of you. The scriptures say charity (true kindness to others) is the greatest character trait of all.
Of course, my motto is - enjoy life. I believe in being happy. Happiness for you can only come from within yourself. Happiness comes from thinking of others instead of worrying about yourself. So, enjoy your time at camp but use that self discipline to be a kinder more thoughtful you. Make me proud!"
Wonderful words of wisdom for anyone to live by. This is only one of the many letters I have from my dad throughout the years. I love to read them! My dad has touched my life is so many ways. I feel truly blessed to call him Dad! Happy Birthday to the greatest hero in my life. I love you Dad!
i treasure letters from my dad. the love and advice my dad gives me is a huge motivator for me! thanks for sharing. it brought back some good memories.
What good advice!
I love your dad too. People just don't always realize the great wisdom he has because he likes to hide behind his funny stories and his music and jokes. But, we know he is in there. Happy Birthday to you Rick.
Who is it you guys are talking about? All I know is I love this girl to pieces
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