Friday, May 28, 2010

Graduation 1994


It's Graduation time. I figured I would post a graduation picture of me. YICKS!! Garrett saw this picture and his exact words were "Mom, you look WAY better now!" I would have to agree.

This was graduation night. My friends and I stayed up until 4:30 am. We had a blast!! I had the greatest friends in High School. Jen Bagby, Shatie Kenney, and Becki Conrad. The guy in the middle was Mark Steinagel. I loved High School. I wouldn't want to go back but I think I did it just the way I would have wanted too.


Angela said...

Haha! Good old days!!

Silver Back said...

What I want to know is what happened to those shorts and shoes? Bring them back with the bangs, and you've really got something going on.