Stocky LOVES to cook.
If you know Stocks, you know exactly what I mean when I say he is such a thoughtful young man. He is always looking for things to do for others.....and he always has a special touch of doing it his way as well. He is one of a kind and very creative too.
A couple of nights ago I wasn't feeling too good. Stockton decided to cook dinner for everyone. He went to the freezer and pulled out chicken nuggets, french fries, and mozzarella sticks (maybe I need to have more healthy foods in the freezer). Next, he found some chicken noodle soup in the pantry because that is my favorite food when I am not feeling well. He cooked up a little something for everyone.
The crazy thing is, he does this all the time..... cooking and being thoughtful. What kid, at age 9 know how to make banana bread, rice casserole, and delightful grilled cheese .... and that is just a list of some of his favorites. He is real good at following recipes to make just about anything.

Zander was wandering about the house being bored. Being the fun big brother Stockton is, he asked Zander if they could make banana bread together. Stockton is so patient and caring. He let Zander put in most of the ingredients. Zander felt SO big!!! They even cleaned up their mess together.

Might I add that Stockton makes the best banana bread I have ever tasted.