Monday, December 31, 2007
Merry Christmas!
This was the first year we were able to spend Christmas all together as a family. We only have the kids every other Christmas. As you can imagine, we were super busy. We were suppose to spend Christmas Eve with Niel's sister and her family. However, the roads were too bad to drive up to Ogden and we got a late start. So, we went to the grocery store and bought some steaks... YUM! After our delicious dinner, the kids put on the nativity scene. It was super cute. We got to bed at a reasonable time. We woke up extremely early as we had plans to go to Grandma and Grandpa Dean's house for our traditional Christmas breakfast. We were up by 6:00 am to do Santa stuff. The kids were excited and happy. They must have been pretty good this past year. We got to breakfast just in time to see Grandpa before he had to head to work. We spent a good part of the morning at Grandma's house with her and Aunt Ang, Uncle Pat and Arianna. We sure do miss them!! We left their house to take a quick nap before heading to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks!" The kids loved the show. After the movie, we ran home to pick up the dog and headed to Grandma and Grandpa J's for their traditional Christmas hike. It was cold outside! The kids enjoyed it. They even saw some deer and elk. We ate Roast Beef Sandwiches for dinner and then headed back home. The kids were finally able to play with some of their presents. All and all, it was a great day! One of the best Christmas's ever!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Ice Skating!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Zander's stage fright!
Zander had his very first Christmas singing performance with his pre-schoold class. We all were very excited to go as this would be the first outward performance for him. It was his moment to shine. But wouldn't you know it, he got stage fright. He didn't even sing a note, except for when Santa came out. Then he got a little worried Santa would see him not singing. Look at his face when Santa takes a look at him! Too funny!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Traditions

My favorite part of this holiday season is all the wonderful Christmas traditions we have in our family.
Our tree is decorated with ornaments that are hand made... well, about 95% of the tree is decorated with handmade ornaments. Even ones from when I was a little girl. This year we made jingle bell reindeer. They turned out really cute! We even put our tree up early.... the weekend before Thanksgiving! It got us in the Christmas spirit just a little earlier this year!

Ho! Ho! Ho!! We love to visit Santa. This year, Grandma and Grandpa took us to Albertson's. They had a great Santa!! He was holly and jolly. We got to see Grandpa at work. We didn't have to wait in any long crazy lines, and we could take as many pictures as we wanted and didn't have to pay for any pictures!! I think visiting Santa at Albertson's might become a regular Christmas tradition!

One of my favorite things to do with the kids, is spending a night decorating gingerbread houses! I wonder if it is all the candy that I love or watching the kids be creative and see what they are going to make!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Guess who I met?

As I was sitting there, President Monson walked out of the temple. I looked at him for a while, watching him, trying to figure out if it was really him. Then he spoke, and I knew it was him. He was walking around to all the people, shacking hands and asking for names. He had a comment every now and again and even a few stories. It was very intriguing to watch. I love this man! He has been around since I was a child, and I have loved hearing his messages since I can remember. I was hoping for a chance to get to shake his hands, but wasn't sure if he would have time to get around to everyone. I got on my feet and made my way over to where he was. I figured it was a once in a lifetime chance to really meet a man like him. After all, I am 31 years old and haven't run into that kind of opportunity yet. As he came around to me, I was getting a little excited! I could feel the spirit about him and even got a little teary eyed. He stopped right in front of me. I extended my hand out to give him a shake. I have been known to have a firm hand shake, and I think being a little nervous, I tend to be even a little more firm. He shook my hand and I introduced myself. "Well Sister Oscarson, that is one strong hand shake you have there. That is good. It is a sign of confidence. I also see you have a dimple. This is good too. I used to have one in my day. Did you know, I hear it is a sign of intelligence." I just smiled and said, "I will have to remember that." He smiled at me and moved on down the line. Continuing to meet everyone there. All were anxious to shake his hand. It was an incredible experience. One I will not forget. I was glad I got there early!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A new addition!
Amy, Niel, Conner, Megan, Stockton, Garrett and Zander would like to announce the addition to our Family. Rockstar, or Rocky, is the newest, smallest member of our little family. What a furry little ball of quiet he is. He rarely makes a peep, and when he does it is because he is lonely and wants a little attention. He is very cuddly and loves to be scratched on his tummy. He is even almost potty trained... yeah! We adopted Rocky from a woman who had passed away. She had many dogs, but kept them in kennels most of their lives. Rocky enjoys being out and about. When we first brought him home, he wasn't sure what to do with all the roaming freedom, but he is getting used to it and I think he even likes us.... yes, he even likes Zander and Zander loves him. He has won all our hearts, even Niel's. He sure is a beautiful addition.

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