The second day in Kauai was spent relaxing and settling in. It seems like every time my eyes would look around I saw beauty everywhere. The clouds were beautiful, the sky was the bluest blue, the water was so clear, the mountains were green,... every sight my eyes looked at looked like a picture taking moment. It was incredible!
In this picture below you can see the fluffy clouds and clear blue water.... and also you can see two little sticks in the middle of the ocean. Those two sticks are Niel and Grandpa J. They are walking out to the reef..... yes, that is reef out there. The entire family joined them. It was like we were standing in the middle of the ocean... like walking on water. Even me, the person who is deathly afraid of the ocean went out there! We could see coral, little fish, crabs, and plenty of sea creatures.

Stockton bumped into a large coral castle out there. He got scrapped up pretty badly on his chest and foot. He didn't complain about it too much. I got a tiny scrap on my knee and every time I got into the salt watered ocean you would here my say, "Ouch... it stings!" What a tough little Stockton! He was an true ocean kid. I think Stockton fits perfectly in Hawaii. He didn't have a care in the world.

We spent most of the day testing out our secluded beach. We made sand castles, went snorkeling, boogie boarded (on no waves), played, relaxed, and played some more. I will have to say, it was the best relaxing day of my entire life.

We pulled ourselves out of the water for a short time to feed ourselves. We headed down to t he North Shore for some tasty lunch at
Bubba's Burgers!YUM!
Do you see the little lizard on Stockton's chest? These little critters were all over the place. The kids liked to catch them and keep them for pets.

After lunch, it was back to the beach. Conner buried himself alive, with his head just sticking out. Grandma J has that picture. Megan, Conner and I made an attempt of a sea turtle made of sand. Very fun!

One of the many beautiful sunsets we got to see. But for me, this was the first one I got to see. What an incredible sight.... and an incredible day!