Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sundance Snow

We had the most perfect snowboarding day ever!!

Here are two of my most favorite people in the world. My adventurous Mom and my incredible husband.

Mom was so patient with Niel and I. It isn't often I get much time to spend with my mom these days, so heading up on the slopes with her made for other great memory. I remember as a kid she would take us skiing every Saturday. I really took for granite those skiing moments. I thought every kid was as lucky as I was had cool parents like I did. I really enjoyed those Saturdays on the slopes with my sisters, cousins, friends, and most of all my Mom! It was great to have her come along with Niel and I.

And Niel.... Wow!!! He is getting really good on that board! Now as an adult I have learned that I am lucky to have a husband that is willing to try new, hard things.... like snowboarding. Together, we have both been learning how to snowboard and I have really enjoyed doing something hard together. We might be really sore when the day is done, but we have so much fun doing it!

Very cool! There is a slope with my name on it!

I have skied Amy's Ridge many times. Yesterday was my first day snowboarding it!

The day was perfect. Great company and a simply beautiful day!


Lisa said...

What a gorgeous day! Beautiful photos -looks like lots of fun.

Natalie said...

REALLY COOL! hope you had fun! check out my blog!
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