I can't remember life before this handsome man walked into my life. I say that in a good way!
One of the best parts about our marriage is that we enjoy having a great time together!! I love the adventures we share. Celebrating our anniversary is one of my most favorite things to do every year.
This year, our big anniversary was celebrate at home! Some might think.... "what happened to their excitement??" .... but I will have to say it was an incredible celebration. We decided we had everything a luxurious hotel room would have... a fireplace, a hot tub, a quiet place with no kids, a nice TV, and a comfortable bed. We made it happen! We brought our mattress into the front room, right next to the fire place and TV.... and spent the entire weekend kid-less, in quiet, for 3 entire days! SWEET!!
We went to a movie, watched BYU kick San Diego State's butt, caught up on our favorite shows, SLEPT IN, bought some jewelry (NICE), went to dinner at The Roof, SLEPT IN AGAIN, and lazied around in our P.J.'s all day long!!!

I love his man! I love celebrating our lives together!!
I like to think of all the fun anniversaries we have had together...

1 Year - Not so successful cruise

Our magical Day! I love this picture. Looks like we are settling into marriage quit well!

Heres to another great and wonderful 5 years!