Monday, August 20, 2012

Barber Zander

I just love Zander's beautiful hair.  He is proud of his hair style!  I especially like the way he admires himself in the mirror each morning.  He is so handsome!!

I guess Zander figured he needed a new look.  I think he was going for more of an edgy look when he took scissors to his hair and cut in this awesome jag look.

Unfortunately I wouldn't let him wear his new look to school so I told him we needed to shave it off.  He begged, cried, and pleaded with me to let him wear a hat every day until it grew back.  But I don't think there was any way around it ..... we had to shave it off.

He is now wearing his shaved head proudly.  That new look he was going for has been accomplished.  Not too bad... but I must admit I miss the longer hair!

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