Monday, April 28, 2008
Happy Birthday G!
Dear G,
It doesn't seem that long ago I was calling you "little g" and you had to correct me, saying "Mom, I am not little anymore. Call me Big G." You are right, you sure big now.
This year you have grown leaps and bounds. We have so much fun together. I love your excitement to try everything. You jump right in with the big boys and play football, baseball, football, and basketball. You absolutely do not like to lose. Your competitive nature is amusing to witness at times. You are tough and rough.... and quick too!
It was hard for me to watch my little boy heading off to school this year. Even though you were slightly afraid to enter school this year, you were so very brave. Dropping you off at school was a memory for me to remember. I could tell you were scared, but you were determined to do it. I put you in your chair, sat with you for a little while and then told you I had to go. You had a small tear in your eye, but you looked at me with those brave eyes and told me good-bye. When I got to the door you quickly glanced my way and blew me a kiss.... then you turned around and were ready to face your world. I am so proud of you!
When others talk about you, they comment on your happy smile and desire to be kind to others. Those are excellent traits to have at such a small age. I love to be near you. I love starting my day and ending my day with your sweet hugs and your beautiful smile. You are such a handsome little man.
Happy Birthday! Thank you for brightening my life!! I love you very much!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Good friends and good hunting
Since I can't stop talking about the turkey hunting, Amy is insisting I sit down and write about it.
The saga started six years ago when Steve and Troy and I figured we would try our hand at turkey hunting. In Utah you have to draw for a permit, but we figured it couldn't be too hard to get one of those tags. Well, six years later Steve and I finally drew our coveted tags. (Troy got his turkey a few years earlier). We worked off a tip from my brother-in-law Patrick and decided to hunt by Monticello.
Steve and his wife Megan dedicated their weekends to scouting out the area and finding the big Toms. I couldn't convince my Megan that she wanted to spend her weekend hiking around chasing turkeys, so the hard work was left to others.
Steve did a great job and knew right where to take us. Opening morning we looked out over a field full of turkeys. The adrenaline started pumping and we were sure the action would get exciting fast. We got out in front of the feeding birds, set-up the decoy, got cammoed up, and Steve started calling. We waiting breathlessly...and got....nothing. Not a gobble, not a bird, not a sound. We never saw those turkeys again.
We spent the rest of the day hiking and hiking, pushing barefooted Australians driving a rented jeep out of a snow drift, and hiking some more. In the late afternoon we decided to go back to our original spot because we at least knew birds were around.
We set up the decoy and settled in for what we thought might be a long wait. However, it didn't take long before turkeys started appearing out of the woods. First one, then another. They didn't venture too far from the trees but they were there. Turkeys are very wary, and any movement catches their eye. One bird busted me as I turned to look at Steve and was long gone.
Finally, after about 3 hours of sitting a group of hens came out in front of us. A tom slowly followed them...I could hear Steve whisper "That's a good one. It's a shooter", and that got my heart pumping. It took another 20 minutes of calling and patience before he finally walked in range and stopped right in between the two trees that were breaking up my line of site. I laid the bead on him and squeezed the trigger and down he went. It was only about a half hour before dark so we drug the bird back in the trees and watched the rest of the turkeys fly into the trees to roost (a pretty comical sight).
The next day Steve shot his turkey. We were both happy campers and couldn't have asked for a better hunt. I don't get to spend as much time with Troy and Steve as I used too, and apart from the thrill of the birds in our sight, the best part of the weekend was spending time with them. Steve really went the extra mile to get us into the best spots. (His wife Megan was probably the best sport of all...she saved our bacon in one very important way...)
Amy was also great...when I got home she was very excited to see the tail feathers and the feet and listened to the whole story. She showed all the right excitement and it was fun to tell her all about it.
It was a good memory, hopefully it won't be six years before we can do it again.
Here are a few pictures.

Two Toms glaring at each other

Steve and his bird
The saga started six years ago when Steve and Troy and I figured we would try our hand at turkey hunting. In Utah you have to draw for a permit, but we figured it couldn't be too hard to get one of those tags. Well, six years later Steve and I finally drew our coveted tags. (Troy got his turkey a few years earlier). We worked off a tip from my brother-in-law Patrick and decided to hunt by Monticello.
Steve and his wife Megan dedicated their weekends to scouting out the area and finding the big Toms. I couldn't convince my Megan that she wanted to spend her weekend hiking around chasing turkeys, so the hard work was left to others.
Steve did a great job and knew right where to take us. Opening morning we looked out over a field full of turkeys. The adrenaline started pumping and we were sure the action would get exciting fast. We got out in front of the feeding birds, set-up the decoy, got cammoed up, and Steve started calling. We waiting breathlessly...and got....nothing. Not a gobble, not a bird, not a sound. We never saw those turkeys again.
We spent the rest of the day hiking and hiking, pushing barefooted Australians driving a rented jeep out of a snow drift, and hiking some more. In the late afternoon we decided to go back to our original spot because we at least knew birds were around.
We set up the decoy and settled in for what we thought might be a long wait. However, it didn't take long before turkeys started appearing out of the woods. First one, then another. They didn't venture too far from the trees but they were there. Turkeys are very wary, and any movement catches their eye. One bird busted me as I turned to look at Steve and was long gone.
Finally, after about 3 hours of sitting a group of hens came out in front of us. A tom slowly followed them...I could hear Steve whisper "That's a good one. It's a shooter", and that got my heart pumping. It took another 20 minutes of calling and patience before he finally walked in range and stopped right in between the two trees that were breaking up my line of site. I laid the bead on him and squeezed the trigger and down he went. It was only about a half hour before dark so we drug the bird back in the trees and watched the rest of the turkeys fly into the trees to roost (a pretty comical sight).
The next day Steve shot his turkey. We were both happy campers and couldn't have asked for a better hunt. I don't get to spend as much time with Troy and Steve as I used too, and apart from the thrill of the birds in our sight, the best part of the weekend was spending time with them. Steve really went the extra mile to get us into the best spots. (His wife Megan was probably the best sport of all...she saved our bacon in one very important way...)
Amy was also great...when I got home she was very excited to see the tail feathers and the feet and listened to the whole story. She showed all the right excitement and it was fun to tell her all about it.
It was a good memory, hopefully it won't be six years before we can do it again.
Here are a few pictures.

Two Toms glaring at each other

Steve and his bird

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Home Alone
For the first time since Conner was born, I was home alone... by myself.... for 3 days and 2 nights!
Niel headed on down to Moab to do some turkey hunting with his best friends. The boys are still in Montana spending Spring Break with the Quiring side of the family. That left me... home alone.
I am not used to being all by myself, and I will have to admit, I was slightly worried about how I would handle it. Would I get bored? What was I going to do? Well.... I had a BLAST!
I had planned to do some homework..... but you know how I am with homework. I despise it more then cleaning the toilet! I figured my distraction from homework would have to be good since it is finals week and I am really far behind. Wouldn't you know it.... I found a big distraction...... OUR BEDROOM.
On Friday I went to IKEA for the the first time. I think Niel would agree with me when I say it is a good thing it took me so long to find this store. IKEA is pretty incredible. I could spend a lot of time there.... and a lot of money. While I was in the store my creative juices began to flow.
Here are a few pictures of our bedroom before. It was pretty messy and in need of some attention. The poor bedroom got an entire make-over!

Just a little commentary on the books. I am sure you have heard the comment, "A women and her shoes!" well.... I am starting a new one for Niel, "A man and his books!" The books on the shelves are all books Niel is currently reading, has read, or plans on reading from the past 6 months. We have a bunch more books down in the storage room. When we got married I wasn't asking Niel to give away his favorite ugly chair or the prized, stuffed, mantled deer head. I asked him to go through his books and get rid of the ones he doesn't want anymore. I swear, we could have started a library of our own. I am not complaining.... reading is a very great hobby.... we just don't have enough room in our house for 5 kids, a dog, all my shoes..... and his books!!! Niel... you know I love you!
I had a great weekend!!!! I think everyone should go and leave me alone a little more often, well, maybe not too often. Being home alone is only nice once and a while. The house was almost too quiet. Niel had a great time hunting too. Stay posted for his rendition of the weekend.... with plenty of dead turkey pictures!
Oh, and if you don't hear from me all week it is because I am finishing up the semster.
Niel headed on down to Moab to do some turkey hunting with his best friends. The boys are still in Montana spending Spring Break with the Quiring side of the family. That left me... home alone.
I am not used to being all by myself, and I will have to admit, I was slightly worried about how I would handle it. Would I get bored? What was I going to do? Well.... I had a BLAST!
I had planned to do some homework..... but you know how I am with homework. I despise it more then cleaning the toilet! I figured my distraction from homework would have to be good since it is finals week and I am really far behind. Wouldn't you know it.... I found a big distraction...... OUR BEDROOM.
On Friday I went to IKEA for the the first time. I think Niel would agree with me when I say it is a good thing it took me so long to find this store. IKEA is pretty incredible. I could spend a lot of time there.... and a lot of money. While I was in the store my creative juices began to flow.
Here are a few pictures of our bedroom before. It was pretty messy and in need of some attention. The poor bedroom got an entire make-over!
(Caution... some of these pictures display a pretty messy, unorganized person. Please do not be alarmed!)

Take a good look at this dresser.... you won't recognize it again!...haha!!!

Here it is... the new dresser. You may be wondering where the TV went, as this was Niel's first question. The TV broke, so I guess that means we will have to get a new one!

I had a great weekend!!!! I think everyone should go and leave me alone a little more often, well, maybe not too often. Being home alone is only nice once and a while. The house was almost too quiet. Niel had a great time hunting too. Stay posted for his rendition of the weekend.... with plenty of dead turkey pictures!
Oh, and if you don't hear from me all week it is because I am finishing up the semster.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Vegas Babe!

We were bored.... we we went to Vegas!!!!
It was Friday night and the boys were getting ready to enjoy Spring break in Montana with their Grandma Becca. There was plenty of "jobs" to keep us home.... like painting the deck or doing homework. But really, who wants to do that kind of stuff on a nice weekend? NOT ME! We packed up our stuff, sent the boys on their way, jumped in the car and drove on down to Vegas for a good time. We stayed at Mandalay Bay and went swimming. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory.... Megan even tried sushi! We went to see Phantom of the Opera.... that was awesome! Then, Megan let us give her our tour of Vegas... she was such a good sport. Megan and Niel even went shopping with me! It was a great, spontaneous trip!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
NCAA Winner!
As a family tradition we each fill out an NCAA bracket. The person who fills out the bracket with the most winning teams gets to choose the dining place of thier choice. Mr. Niel Oscarson won this year. He even got the final two and the over all winner correct! I was very impressed!! This is a picture of us at Guadalahonky's eating some delicious mexican.... and Niel basking in his victory!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Basketball in the snow?

We all saved our money and made big plans to get a basketball court in the backyard. All the boys, including Niel, were just waiting for the the ground to thaw so the cement could be poured. Winter seemed to never end, but finally the snow melted and the weather was nice. Right away we had the cement guys come out and get to work. It took about a week for the masterpiece to be finished. When it was, what a sight it was to behold. As our luck would have it, that was the only week of spring. That very next day it snowed. And the day after that is snowed again. If it isn't snowing, the wind in blowing like crazy or the sky is dropping tear drops.
The weather isn't keeping the boys inside though. Conner is outside everyday.... with gloves, coat and a smile on his face. He comes back inside with a pink nose, but he sure is happy. The snow will not stop him.
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