Remember our wonderful nanny from last summer? Well... we have really missed Kallie this summer. We figured we should at least visit her once his summer. We decided to go see her at her current job....
Raging Waters!The second best part of seeing Kallie was seeing her fabulous mom too! I love Karen! You might think it is crazy that mother and daughter work at the same place?
Well... the third best part of visiting Kallie and Karen was hanging out at their water park.
Awesome!!! I wish we owned a water park!!

Check out our special tickets! - do you see now why I love Karen and Kallie so much? They are just tons of fun and super thoughtful!

I hadn't been to Raging Waters since I was like 12 years old. I can't figure out why we have waited to so long to go. The Park was fantastic! The slides were amazing!! We have ourselves a wonderful family day!!

I am very much of a thrill rider. Check out this slide...
Conner is almost at the bottom. Just look right behind him. See that SUPER steep slide in the background? That is the same slide. The fist ride down is STRAIGHT DOWN! Then it levels out a little and then another straight ride down. This is by far my most favorite water slide I have ever been on. The ride requires a mat to ride on. You go SOOOO super fast! There is another slide right to the side of this one that goes down, up, and back down. CRAZY!
Go Conner! I was so proud of Conner for being brave this year and trying everything.

All the kids had a great time.
Check out all these smiles!

Go Megan! Check out her arm muscles. Incredible strength!!

Another awesome dropping slide!

This is Zander's water face. I think I have taken this same picture of his 20 times.... but it never gets old. Check out his tan. He sure didn't get my skin!

Go Garrett! He also tried some pretty scary rides.
This one was his favorite. He was too small to drag his yellow riding thingy all the way to the top. Niel and Conner were so nice to him and helped him at least 8 times.

Thumbs up!

Seems like we always come away from our adventures with a few scraps or bruises. Usually it is the boys who limping or showing off their wounds. Unfortunately, Megz was the one who ended up wounded. That band aid on her pinkie toe doesn't do justice to her wound. She cut it on a slide and left a long bloody trail behind her. The boys that it was awesome! Megan was a brave woman and is now hobbling around.

It was a fun day for us all at the water park.... I think even Megan, with the wound, would agree. We are definitely going back... and soon!