I {heart} Pictures!!
What more could you ask for on Christmas.
Excedrin and Lip Balm

Zander loves to dress up as super heros. Santa brought Zander a few new super hero's outfits to protect our house!!

Conner has expressed his concern of not having a sport since football season was over. I guess Santa thought maybe Conner could start snowboarding as a new found winter sport for Conner.

Megz loves Taylor Swift! She must have been extra good this year!!

And Stocks is growing up so fast. He has been so responsible this past year too. He got a new MP3 player. He has been walking around the house, acting just like a teenager with headphones in his ears.

Gar loves guns and seems to get some type every Christmas. Conner thought he would be a cool big brother and purchase a paintball gun for Conner this year!

I got the most awesome gift of all.... a new video camera.

It takes pretty good pictures too!! All the rest of the pictures were taken with my new camcorder.

Brooke, Rick, Grandma and Grandpa, and Jolene and Don all came over to our house for a delicious Christmas Day Dinner!! I love this picture of Brooke and me. Isn't she just beautiful!

We have got to spend a lot of time with Jolene and Don this year. They are both tons of fun to be with. We are all thankful for the friendship!!

Stocky got the best surprise of all. Grandma's gift to Stockton was this new, big, cool ping-pong table. I wish I had captured Stockton's expression when he opened the gift. It was priceless!

And Santa must have thought we needed to get in shape. He brought the family Wii Fit.
We played it ALL DAY LONG!

Flap those wings Grandpa!

Rick made the best bird of us all!

We even got a special visit from Steve, Heather, Stefanie, and Christopher this year. They stopped for a visit on their way to California.

And of course, what would a party be without Rockband!

Merry! Merry Christmas!!!