Wednesday, May 20, 2009
10 Seven Year Old Boys and 1 Girl
Monday, May 18, 2009
I {Heart} Faces - Blurb Photo Book Contest

Conner is such a fun big brother! Zander loves to climb up on Conner's shoulders and see the world. It is fun to watch them both grow up.
I am submitting this photo into the Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Yellow Flower

I miss you Jaydee!
I find an old photograph
and see your smile.
As I feel your presence anew,
I am filled with warmth
and my heart remembers love.
I read an old card
sent many years ago
during a time of turmoil and confusion.
The soothing words written then
still caress my spirit
and bring me peace.
I remember who you used to be
the laughter we shared
and wonder what you have become.
Where are you now,
Where did you go,
When the body is left behind
and the spirit is released to fly?
Perhaps you are the morning bird
singing joyfully at sunrise,
or the butterfly that dances
so carelessly on the breeze
or the rainbow of colors
that brightens a stormy sky
or the fingers of afternoon mist
delicately reaching over the mountains
or the final few rays of the setting sun
lighting up the skies
edging the clouds with a magical glow.
I miss your being
but I feel your presence,
In whatever form you choose to take,
however you now choose to be.
Your spirit has become for me
a guardian angel on high
guiding, advising, and watching over me.
I remember you.
You are with me
and I am not afraid.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
This year I decided to take some updated pictures of each of the kids as they have a birthday. She was a good sport. Megan is growing up to be such a beautiful young woman!

I like to read. My favorite book is - The Wedding Planners Daughter
I am very creative and clever. I signed up for creative writing this next year and I am looking forward to writing some stories!
My favorite color is Purple
My favorite food is Beef Stroganoff
My favorite movie is 13 Going on 30
I got to go to Hawaii this year.... AWESOME!
I have 2 Rats and 1 guinea pig
I am very intelligent and a good friend
I am a great big sister because I have to put up up all my crazy brothers!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
The not-so-perfect part of my day was taking Conner to the doctor. Turns out he had severe strep throat. I felt so bad for him. He was in such terrible pain with his throat and so many aches, pains and a fever. We spent most of the morning at the doctor's office and the pharmacy. Doctor Freestone gave Conner a bright pink rose to give me. It is beautiful! Conner is feeling much better!

Monday, May 11, 2009
The Law of the Credit Card
His speech is incredible.... and I am not just saying that! He keeps winning!!
His next speech is on May 30th. I will be out of town and unable to attend. So, if anyone is feeling like spending a day listening to some great speeches.... go cheer him on!

I was just so happy and proud of him, I couldn't help but smile big!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Garrett was a good sport taking pictures. We had a great time together.... enjoying this incredible weather. He is such a handsome young man!

My favorite color is Red
My favorite food is Niel's BBQed Tri-Tip
My favorite movie is Wolverine
I love to play baseball
I like to play video games
I love to smile
I tease my little brother all the time
I am smart, strong, and a fast runner
I am a good little cleaner, organizer and I can mow the lawn all by myself
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy, Happy Birthday!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hemophilia Blood Run - Give-a-way!

I know a bunch of your are runners, and even if you aren't, you should still come run with us. Everyone in our house is participating in the Hemophilia Blood Run. The race will be Saturday, June 6th in Highland. A few of us are running the 5K and some of us are running the 1 mile. ALL of us are helping with the race on the day. We are looking for runners, volunteer's, and even donations (see my site).
Anyone who helps out the day of the race, either by racing, donating, or volunteering..... we will be having a YUMMY breakfast at our house following the race. You don't want to miss it!! Niel is an excellent cook!!