Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Girl's Cruise - 2009 (Day One)

My next adventure was on board the Carnival Elation with the finest women I know!

The Girl's Cruise was extremely fun!! Me, Brooke, Lisa and Amber all met at the airport. We boarded the tiny little plan and headed to San Diego. Once we arrived at San Diego, we picked up Priscilla (Boo-Boo). Both Lisa and Boo were new people I had not met before. Probably my most favorite part of this entire trip was getting to know them both and developing that friendship. The next best thing was spending time with Brooke and Amber! Together, we all had a fabulous time!!!

After a lot of waiting.... we finally got on board! The ship was beautiful!

We were so tired from waking up early and doing all that traveling, we decided to take a nap and get rested for our grand adventure. Me, Brooke, and Lisa shared a cabin and Amber and Boo-boo shared a room.

Dinner was delicious.... as always! My favorite part of each meal was the Melting Chocolate cake. Delicious!

After dinner we went to the late night entertainment show. It happened to be a game show night. I was lucky enough to get chosen from the audience to participate. Unfortunately, I not a smart movie buff. One of the questions was a clip played from the movie Star Wars. Darth Vader was talking and we were suppose to guess who the voice was and from what movie. I was the first one to hit my button. My brilliant answer was Clark Gable from Gone with the Wind.

I wasn't even close! In my defense, Clark Gabel and Darth Vador both have deep voices.

It was a great first day!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

That was a hilarious answer Amy. Thanks for the good laughs. What a blast we had. Don't you just love Lisa? I had a great time getting to know Priscilla, getting to know Lisa better, and hanging out with you and Amber. I couldn't ask for a better group. I did miss Ang though. What a great time!! Lets get another girls trip planned! YAH!!